Sunday, 20 April 2003

Dora Creek

Dora Creek - Bream

April 2003

This trip was supposed to be a Newcastle Harbour Pelagics outing, but due to the 4 -5 ft swell and the lack of fish around we went for plan B. As none of us had fished Dora Creek before we decided that we would see what it had to offer on the bream front.

We met at the Dora Creek boat ramp at about 7am and most of the guys headed up the creek towards the F3 bridge to fish the snags. I waited around for one of our members who was supposed to be coming and just fished near the ramp so I could see them arrive. At 8am I decided to go up stream.

As I headed upstream I passed Ross Anderson who reported no fish at that point. I soon met up with Wozza and Ivan just before the road bridge and they also reported zero fish or hits. The place just looked very very fishy and the tide was good, but nothing to report from that section of the river.

We all headed back towards the Dora Creek township and fished the strip down to the rail bridge. Chris Martin reported a nice 30+ cm fish and jimmy Hyatt had caught a small tailor. Things were looking up. I fished that strip pretty hard without a take. A few hits but no hookups. 

By now the wind was starting to get up and I moved under the bridge and back towards the ramp. My electric motor started to play up so I had to stop and fix one of the battery terminals. Once I got it going I headed down towards the moored boats near the ramp to find Ivan and Wozza fishing around the boats and wharves. Wozza had landed 3 bream around the one boat and Ivan was casting frantically to catch up.

Alas he didn't and neither did I. It was a quiet day on the fish front.

Big Bob had fished the Creek the night before and landed 14 fish. Just goes to show that when they are on they are on!

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