Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Christmas Fish and Lunch - December 2011

Christmas Fish and Lunch
11 December 2011
Well it's been a quiet year on the trip report front but at least it ends with one.
In our annual Christmas get-together to celebrate the festive season we all met at the Koolewong boat at 6am to have our last fish together as a club for the year. Half a dozen boats departed the ramp and went their seperate ways. Roger and I decided to fish the flats around Ettalong to see if we could snag a few flatties or bream and spent a relaxing morning drifting the flats between Ettalong and Pretty Beach. With no success there drifted along the mangroves between Pretty Beach and Hardys Bay casting poppers into the mangroves and watching bream chase them out. We had a couple of half-hearted hits but no hookups and the fish soon became wary of our presence. From there we travelled up to St Huberts Island meeting up witht he two Jimmys (Jims Hollet and Hyatt) and we spent until lunch time fishing the inlets of St Huberts hoping to pick up a flathead or bream.

On returning for lunch we met up with families and members for a fantastic fish and chip lunch. Our heartfelt thanks go to Catherine Tizard for her wonderful lolly bags for the kids. They were a great hit. Even Brownies boys enjoyed them - they must have, they were fighting over them for half of lunch. And our thanks to Steve for organising what can only be described as a smorgasbord of fish and chips. There wasn't an empty stomach to be seen.
By 2pm storm coulds were starting to gather and we all decided to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and head home. As usal a great day for everyone.

Paterson River Bass - April 28

Paterson River Bass - April 28 Trip Report left home 3.30am yeah I know, bloody early and bloody cold, drove up to twin servos to pick ...