Thursday, 21 February 2008

The Entrance - February 2008

The Entrance
February 2008
The first fish of the new year got of to a good start in that we weren’t washed away. The heavy rain and flooding of recent weeks showed in the heavily stained and murky waters of the Entrance. Still with the opening to the sea the biggest it’s been for quite some time expectations were slightly optimistic as now there was a great big hole surely that meant great big fish could fit up there. Also an out of town mug caught a 17kg Kingfish there recently [ don’t show your face around here again, boy!] so we reckoned we’d get some thing. Anyway it was good to be out in the sun with the boys.The northern car park was judged to be a good starting place and we spread out from there. We slowly began a leisurely game of leap frog whereby an angler would stop to flog a piece of water while there rest of us would dribble past. Then that person would overtake the mob and so it went untill we eventually reached the ocean. On the way Paul McGrath bagged a very small flathead. We all laughed, thinking if we couldn’t beat that we’d be a sorry bunch of fisherman. And would you like fries with your humble pie, gentlemen?
Paul and Roy Brown waded into the surf when Brownie saw some pike in the waves. The pike is a curious fish as it’s mouth is located in various places on it’s body, like the back or the side, sometimes even a combination of the two resulting in some odd hook ups. Or so it was reported to your humble scribe. Of course the fact that no one else came close to catching anything with fins would have nothing to do with these scurrilous rumours. The closest our members come to sour grapes is when they have vinegar on their fish and chips.
The outing ended as all good ones do with all concerned grouped around the Barbie enjoying good food and good company. A late piece of news from Mac Lyall: Apparently Jim Hyatt bagged and returned a 40cm + Flathead early in the day before he had to leave. Paul later figured out the ratio of man hours to fish caught, but I won’t depress you with the results. Needless to say it’s onwards and upwards from here as it just has to get better. Doesn’t it?

Paterson River Bass - April 28

Paterson River Bass - April 28 Trip Report left home 3.30am yeah I know, bloody early and bloody cold, drove up to twin servos to pick ...