Tuesday, 21 March 2006

Paterson River - March 2006

Paterson River
March 2006
The Paterson River can be a mixed bag for bass fishing. Some trips can produce quite well, others so so good. This trip proved to be the latter, we think in part due to the condition of the river, which was poor. With a lack of rain, the river was quite mucky and the reaches below the township whilst deep, had a lot of weed. The only person to have success was Bob, who fished well above the town of Paterson. The rest of us had no luck, even those who resorted to less than respectable means. But they shall remain nameless.

Paterson River Bass - April 28

Paterson River Bass - April 28 Trip Report left home 3.30am yeah I know, bloody early and bloody cold, drove up to twin servos to pick ...