Monday, 20 May 2002

Interclub Meet - May 2002

Interclub Meet - 2002

May 2002

The Institute of Freshwater Anglers’ (IFA) general aim is to promote the interests of anglers and to manage and conserve fish resources and the aquatic environment.
Much of the Institutes’ work is basically political – lobbying politicians and government departments to achieve its aims. Recent achievements include:
Translocation of species, particularly barramundi farming because of the possibility of infecting native fish with disease.
  • Attempts to gain access to Sydney water and other storages
  • Foreshore access to Oberon Dam and Thompsons Creek Dam
  • Angling law reviews
  • Freshwater License & Implementation Committee.
  • NPWS re access & attempts by Nat Parks to ban trout stocking in National Parks
  • Standing Committee on State Development
  • Fishway installations on impoundments
  • Salmon imports, possibility of disease introduction
  • Constant dialogue with State Fisheries & govt depts on relevant issues
  • Supporting the discontinuation of destruction of the Tumut River habitat
  • Support increased flow in the Snowy River
  • Lobbying re Murray Cray preservation
  • Prominent player in the all water Recreational Fishing Alliance
Our club member John Humphries is an active member of the IFA and was heavily involved in organising the May IFA Interclub meet.
The meet was held at Wallerwang staying in the Black Gold Country Cabins. CCFR members Bill Sonnenberg, Bob Beamish, John Humphries and myself attended along with about ninety members from various clubs. The venue (old public school converted) was excellent—the food and service great. I wondered how the IFA kept the price so low ($90 for two nights accommodation and five meals)!!
On the first night people were encouraged and assisted to form fishing groups for the Saturdays activities. Relative beginners such as myself were teamed up with experienced anglers as the meet is held more for knowledge sharing rather than competition. Decisions were made to fish lake, stream whatever you wanted.
Saturday night was a social night with prizes for fish caught and raffles to raise funds for the IFA…the prizes were incredible , the sponsors were very generous!
The venue and organisation were great, unfortunately the fishing wasn’t. Few fish were recorded (a couple of browns went 500mm). Fish in the dams (Oberon, Wallace Thompsons Creek,Lyell) were deep down with little surface activity. The locals seemed to get better results in the streams.
Sunday was more fishing, casting demonstrations and a friendly casting competition followed by a BBQ then home. Records of captures were kept for State Fisheries.
On a humorous note, I watched five fly fishermen working a patch on Wallace for no results when a couple of old (80s) locals wandered down threw out some spinners and left 15 minutes later with two rainbows…6 and 1.5 lb! Maybe there is a lesson there.
Personally I had a great time and must thank John Humphries for partnering me up with an experienced angler, I learnt heaps , which is the main reason I wanted to go.
I strongly recommend we get organised and send more people next year. Its good fun (beer, fishing, campfires) And good for the IFA who do so much for our sport. Perhaps CCFR should consider joining the IFA?

Sunday, 19 May 2002

Lake Liddell - May 2002

Lake Liddell Carp

May 2002

This was the clubs second trip to Liddell to chase those monster ferals, and the turn out was good. 12 members came along to try there hand on the carp. The day was cool, partly cloudy, but very little wind when we first arrived. We put our boats in and set off to various locations around the dam in search of some targets.

Brett Aley, Steve Call and myself headed to one of the banks that I had fished previously. The first thing that struck me was how much the water level had dropped. In areas that we were successfully picking up fish on the previous trip, there was barely 6 inches of water and that meant that we had to look a lot further out in order to see any fish. It was very hard going with a only a few small fish seen and they were too far out and very spooky.

We soldiered on and walked around to find Bob and Peter Houston casting at the reeds from the boat. they had picked up a few fishing this way, but they agreed that it was quieter than a usual Liddell day.
The clouds finally disappeared, but the wind picked up a bit, making it hard to see the fish through the ripples, so we headed back to the boast and tried fishing out of the boat for a while. talking to the other guys that were out, all were reporting very tough conditions, with only a handful of fish seen, let alone caught!

Bob decided to move down the dam, out of the wind a bit and we did likewise. Bob and Peter came across a spot that allowed them to wait for the fish to cruise past, and they landed a fair number of them in a short time, whilst we watched on and spooked more fish than we had the chance to cast at! Very frustrating.

It was soon time to head back to the ramp, but not before part taking in some of Chris Bannerman's scones..... A good day out despite the conditions and distinct lack of fish!

Paterson River Bass - April 28

Paterson River Bass - April 28 Trip Report left home 3.30am yeah I know, bloody early and bloody cold, drove up to twin servos to pick ...